
Showing posts from August, 2011

Show must go on..

In the German Vogue  from February 2007 I read an interview with Carla Bruni who said (I quote): ,,Marriage is like a prison for me, so I won't get married". And at  an other point asked if she could imagine to shoot a movie with her sister she answered: ,, I could compose a soundtrack for her any time, but I do not want to be hired as an actress'' .  Well,  never say never.. But she was absolutely right. There are situations in life, you just can't say no .. And there is absolutely no reason you should..

Trust in your desire..

After some days of calmness, I needed some big city's life impression which I have found in Wroclaw. Shopping, great restaurant's, discovering new places, a saturday party in the new club '' Bed ", a sunday play in the theater, followed by a Chopin and Liszt concert. A variety of experiences. To feel alive, one need to change the stage even if the best stories happen always backstage, don't they? Meanwhile, I read the book of Marilyn Monroe: '' Fragments: Poems, Intimate Notes, Letters'', edited by Stanley Buchthal and Bernard Comment. A great work that underlined the difference between who Marilyn really was and how the world wanted to see and finally saw her. A radically difference.

In search of your soul..

There is nothing like an evening with good friends when you laugh about the past and look forward to the future. There is nothing like spending time when the factor ''time'' doesn't exist. There is nothing like swimming in the pool by night while listening to wonderful Buddah Bar chill out music, drinking champagne and being just surrounded by the moon and the stars. But after all there is nothing, nothing, nothing like Paris. I was reading a book about Lady Diana yesterday, a courageous women who fought very hard for being herself, who listened to her heart and not her head, who was captured by illusions. Illusions are wonderful as long as they exist. When they cease to exist, it becomes dangerous. But it is worth to live with that danger. ,, Live dangerously and you live right'', said Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe. I agree.

Last train to the sky..

Even if time is money, the real luxury is to have them both. Chilling out carefree and living passions constantly, because t here is no point in living if you can't feel alive. But luxury is the most subjective word existing in this univers, because everybody has his own life vision and his own univers. I love people who are able to skip from one to another, those who are open-minded, those with a cosmopolitan attitude.. But in our world full of people only some want to fly.. (Seal)