
Showing posts from May, 2015

My favourite Saint: TROPEZ #LazyForever

In Saint-Tropez there is a lightness of being directly in the air.. Just breathe to be free.. #MayIStayLazyForever? #SenequierAMust #BestPlace #AwesomeCoffee #WhereverYouGoTakeYourHermèsBagWithYou Saint-Tropez's very nice boutiques.. #Dior #ChanelLoveForever and very nice hotels: Hôtel de Paris #5StarsAddiction and very nice restaurants: #RestaurantLaPesquière #AbsoluteyAmazing Saint-Tropez Côte d'Azur Paradise is definitely on earth.. #FranceLoveForever

I CANNES if I want: Film Festival 2015

#WhenTheSunGoesDownInCannes All I need is Cannes.. #LaFolieByNight #CannesNeverSleeps #TopPlaceToBeDuringTheFestival #DeGrisogonoTerrace @Martinez #TaittingerRosé #ChampagneLove #GrandHyattCannesHotelMartinez #MomentsOfPurePerfection I CANNES have it all.. #InAPicturePerfectWorld #DeGrisogonoLove #JustMajestic #KeepCalmAndCarlton Definitely.. Cannes Film Festival 2015

Do you Dolder? Of course I do..

After one week at the Côte d'Azur, it was great to return to the amazing The Dolder Grand  in Zurich City.. #BackInSwitzerland #5StarsAddiction #BornToWalkOnTheRedCarpet #SometimesItHasToBeKrug #ChampagneLove #BelleEpoqueIsNow #Happy #FreeAndFabulous #ExtremelyHappy #LifeIsParadise #TheDolderArt #SoGoodToBeBack #BornTraveller #ILoveChampagne&Freedom So let's open a bottle..! Perfect start of our 1 Year Champagne Club Gstaad Celebration #ErickDeSousaChampagne #ExclusivelyAtTheDolderGrand #LiveFabulous #LaVieEnVogue #TheDolderLobby #ThingsAreVeryOk #AndInCashITrust #DolderISwearILoveYou #GoodMorningGoodLife And Goodbye.. #SeeYouSoon The Dolder Grand Zurich City