
Showing posts from May, 2017

#TheGoodLifeAddiction #PolandExclusive

What life is teaching me every single day over and over again is..  that there can be miracles.. when you believe.. #JustFollowYourHeart #YouCannotEscapeDestiny #KeepCalmAndReachForTheBest #TheGoodLifeAddiction  #SpringInPoland 1) FAST CARS ADDICTION Life means nothing as long as you don't have a Maserati in your backyard.. #Seriously  #SpeedOfLife @Maserati #MariankaMroczeńska @EkskluzywneGospodarstwoAgroturystyczneNaszaZiemia   Driving a S-Class is not bad at all too.. Just make sure to keep at least a @Maserati watch on and a Ferrari in front of your eyes.. #SoThisIsPoland #Excellent @AromaStoneHotelSpa   Kindly note: Fast cars are HIGHLY addictive #ThankGod 2) PARTY ADDICTION #LifeIsAParty #WhatElse So far #InLove with @GreyMusicClub #WrocławCity 3) 5-STAR ADDICTION  @TheGranary La Suite Hotel Wrocław ...